Although there are many varieties of pomegranates, the majority of our production focuses on the varieties Valenciana, Mollar and Wonderful.
With all pomegranates, the skin is thick and inedible but in comparison with other fruits, it's seeds contain higher levels of antioxidants as well as providing numerous nutrients and vitamins.
The Valenciana variety is characterised for its pink skin and seed colour. The skin is more fragile than the other varieties we cultivate and its seasonal calendar is shorter, being just collected during August and September.
Mollar's skin is a yellowish cream and pink colour and is best known for its unique sweetness. Available from September through to January, this variety has been cultivated for thousands of years and specially appreciated in the region of Bajo Vinalopó.
Known for it's intense red colour, the Wonderful variety is a popular choice amongst the European market. Like Mollar, the wonderful variety is sweet tasting and plentiful for juices. Wonderful pomegranates are also collected from September through to January.

The Denomination of Origin Callosa d’en Sarrià is the starting point of our loquats, a stone fruit with which the campaign begins and which welcomes the spring period.
A soft and smooth skin surrounds the fleshy, firm and sweet interior. The skin comes off easily to make way for the orange flesh, rich in nutrients that protect our digestive system. Loquats are recommended for diabetics because of their effect on blood sugar levels.
The bulk of the production goes from April to June, during these months we collect fruits of Algar, Golden and Xirlero varieties. In addition, in our varietal development center we are working on experimental varieties.
A soft and smooth skin surrounds the fleshy, firm and sweet interior. The skin comes off easily to make way for the orange flesh, rich in nutrients that protect our digestive system. Loquats are recommended for diabetics because of their effect on blood sugar levels.
The bulk of the production goes from April to June, during these months we collect fruits of Algar, Golden and Xirlero varieties. In addition, in our varietal development center we are working on experimental varieties.

The history of Valencia and San Antonio Fruits originates among orange trees, under the shade of the trees with orange blossom flowers and the aroma of the first oranges. For centuries, the export of oranges is one of the main economic engines of the region, a produce associated with the highest quality rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.
The balance between productive efficiency and handling efficiency translates into the same flavor that our ancestors harvested. A unique taste that the future generations will be able to savor thanks to our procedures.
The season starts with the Navel type, these fruits are long and oval with intense color and fleshy, seedless pulp. The Navel are perfect to squeeze for the large amount of sweet juice they contain andare available from October to December.
The balance between productive efficiency and handling efficiency translates into the same flavor that our ancestors harvested. A unique taste that the future generations will be able to savor thanks to our procedures.
The season starts with the Navel type, these fruits are long and oval with intense color and fleshy, seedless pulp. The Navel are perfect to squeeze for the large amount of sweet juice they contain andare available from October to December.

Lemon is one of the five products of San Antonio Fruits by natural progression. We strive to be at the forefront in the area of citrus and this allows us to perfect all the processes that involve around the lemon. The processes are similar to those of our orange produce and with these similarities, it has made it innate for our predecessors to achieve excellence in lemon production.
We work with two varieties, Primofiori -also called fino- and Verna. The first, which appears in October and until April, has a spherical or oval shape with a short tip. Primafiori’s skin is smooth and thin. The pulp has a high content of juice and very few seeds. The second is larger, with a pronounced tip and a developed neck. The skin is thick, rough and irregular which encloses a tender pulp with less juice but adjusted acidity. This variety of is available until the end of June.
We work with two varieties, Primofiori -also called fino- and Verna. The first, which appears in October and until April, has a spherical or oval shape with a short tip. Primafiori’s skin is smooth and thin. The pulp has a high content of juice and very few seeds. The second is larger, with a pronounced tip and a developed neck. The skin is thick, rough and irregular which encloses a tender pulp with less juice but adjusted acidity. This variety of is available until the end of June.

Clemetine is a hybrid fruit full of flavor and easy to peel.
We grow different varieties to be able to have this product from mid-September to mid-May.
Satsuma is a variety originated in Japan that combines mandarin and grapefruit to produce a fruit without seeds and with a high content of juice. From September to mid-January, we supply these fruits which are low in sugar and rich in fiber.
Satsuma is a variety originated in Japan that combines mandarin and grapefruit to produce a fruit without seeds and with a high content of juice. From September to mid-January, we supply these fruits which are low in sugar and rich in fiber.

Persimmon is the latest fruit introduced to our portoflio and grown inthe heart of the Valencian Community, the geographical location of San Antonio Fruits. Of tropical origin, it helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Our kakis are recognized with the Denomination of Origin of the Ribera del Júcar,a prosperous land suitable for the cultivation of these orange fruits that leave behind their natural astringency thanks to the process to whichtheyaresubjectedto.Thefruit’staste givesthekaki,atitspeakof maturation, a sweetness similar to honey.
The variety we cultivate, persimmon, has a thin skin and a juicy pulp that combines the gelatinous texture with a crispy and firm point. It’s calendar is short and is subject to a temperature, usually comprising between the months of November to February.
Our kakis are recognized with the Denomination of Origin of the Ribera del Júcar,a prosperous land suitable for the cultivation of these orange fruits that leave behind their natural astringency thanks to the process to whichtheyaresubjectedto.Thefruit’staste givesthekaki,atitspeakof maturation, a sweetness similar to honey.
The variety we cultivate, persimmon, has a thin skin and a juicy pulp that combines the gelatinous texture with a crispy and firm point. It’s calendar is short and is subject to a temperature, usually comprising between the months of November to February.